Dr. Karl Stockhausen
Student of the Semester Award
An Introduction to the Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester Award
by: Gustavo Galue
The Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester Award honors the life of Karl Stockhausen, an AUC student who was outstanding in many ways throughout his life. At AUC, he was president of American Medical Students Association, member of the Student Judiciary Committee, active in diabetes screening on the island, and an Anatomy teaching assistant and Orientation Advisor.
The Student Judiciary Committee created the award, first presented in 2009. The award is given to a student who embodies compassion and humility, serves as an inspiration to fellow students, and owns a record of professionalism throughout their enrollment at AUC with a strong record of contribution to AUC and the St. Maarten community.
In May 2014, Dean Ron Testa announced a revision of the award to include a $5000 grant to be used to support projects that contribute to better health on the island, connect students to the island in very real ways, and demonstrate true collaborative planning and implementation. The intention is that proposals considered in selecting the award recipient should reflect collaboration between a student and a St. Maarten organization, not solely a student’s idea, and that the proposal emerges over time as a student works with and develops a relationship with an organization.
The awards reflect attitudes and behaviors described by Karl Stockhausen in a White Coat speech as he presented his advice on working toward being a confident and compassionate physician. The stirring speech given to AUC classmates provided an in-person glimpse into the spirit and drive of Karl Stockhausen. As advice to incoming students, he offered three words to guide the journey to becoming an outstanding physician – contribute, discipline, humanize the profession:
· Contribute to your experience – rather than complaining and doing nothing, you can make a difference if you want to. You can work with others (at AUC, faculty, students, administration) to make a difference. Do not use the excuse of no time; you can make time for what you want. Students given the opportunity to pursue their dream at AUC should want to make AUC a better place.
· Discipline – you need to study; medical school is hard; pay attention to learning. You need to study – everything is important; everything builds on what you are learning now; spend more time studying for long-term retention and understanding while also studying for short-term regurgitation just before a test. Active learning that leads to understanding is an essential practice. You need to be able to recall and use information. Life does not come in multiple-choice form. You need to able to fill in the blanks; you need to understand concepts in depth. As a student, use your professors – question things you don’t understand.
· Humanize the profession – There is no place for arrogance in being a physician; confidence is necessary and is not the same as arrogance. Always remember where you came from – a medical school on an island in the Caribbean that did not need a curve and did not need competition. Being a medical student has been likened to climbing a mountain. Once you finish school, earn the MD after your name and enter residency, your colleagues will be with you at the top of the mountain. Karl urged the students to remember to look down to their patients down below and then to walk back down that mountain to relate to patients, understand where they are coming from, and develop the ability to put their story together in order to be a physician who humanizes the profession.
Karl urged his classmates to remember that AUC gave them a chance. Use the opportunity to get where you want to go. Prove to yourself that you were meant to do what you dreamed.
Student of the Semester Recipients
The Fall 2009 recipient
Joe Fakhoury
The Van Wormer Student Judiciary Committee is pleased to announce the first recipient of the Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester award is Joe Fakhoury. Joe is a current 4th semester student who has been an active member of the student body throughout his time here. This semester alone Joe served as both President of the SNMA and Treasurer of the Diversity Council, organizing a series of tutoring sessions with the SXM Academy and co-chairing the inaugural St. Martin Day carnival. Joe was also instrumental in organizing last term’s cultural week, culminating in the AUC talent show (which he hosted).
The Spring 2010 recipient
Chanudi Weerasinghe
The Van Wormer Student Judiciary Committee is pleased to announce the Spring Semester 2010 recipient of the Dr. Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester award is Chanudi Weerasinghe. Chanudi is a current 3rd semester student who has been an active member of the student body throughout her time here. Chanudi has served as the Anatomy Tutor and an Anatomy TA for two semesters, currently serves as the SGA Secretary and has participated in the Diabetes and HIV screenings as well as serving as a judge for the St. Maarten science fair. Please join us in congratulating Chanudi!
The Summer 2010 recipient
Benjamian Ho
The Van Wormer Student Judiciary Committee is pleased to announce the Summer Semester 2010 recipient of the Dr. Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester award is Benjamin Ho. Benji is a current 3rd semester student who has been an active member of the student body throughout his time here. Benji is currently serving as a Head TA in Anatomy and also as third semester class representative. Additionally Benji has created a website for AUC students and alumni that will function as our online student newsletter called Scope.
You can see the American University of the Caribbean’s news article on Benji Ho on their website here.
The Fall 2010 recipient
Damian Salerno
The Spring 2011 recipient
Jeffrey Silpe
The Summer 2011 recipient
Abraham Chileuitt
The Fall 2011 recipient
Aadhar Patil
The Spring 2012 recipient
Louis Kennedy
The Summer 2012 recipient
Shane Constable
The Fall 2012 recipient
Brittany Mott
The Spring 2013 recipient
Jalpa Patel
The Summer 2013 recipient
Luke Carlson
The Spring 2014 recipient
Sallie Clark
Since 2014, fifteen awards have been given,
resulting in funding for eight community organizations*:
· Sickle Cell Foundation
· White & Yellow Cross
· Player Development 3x
· Phillipsburg Jubilee Library
· HOPE Foster Home
· Ideal Nursery School
· Cole Bay Seventh Day Adventist Church Soup Kitchen
*Awards in September 2014, May 2015, and May 2017 were allocated for purchase of equipment (kept at AUC) to be used in community programs.
The Summer 2014 recipient
Michael Mattia
Mike Mattia used the first grant award (May 2014) to support the Sickle Cell Foundation’s production of pamphlets (collaboration with AUC faculty) to educate persons about Sickle Cell, banners to use at events, and expenses incurred in organizing educational events and bringing guest speakers to St. Maarten
The Summer 2014 recipient
Krystal Chan
The Spring 2015 recipient
Chad Stennet
Chad Stennet used the January 2015 award to purchase a collection of resources to support engagement and cognitive stimulation with elderly patients of the White and Yellow Cross Daycare Center.
The Summer 2015 recipient
Wesley Nilsson
The Fall 2015 recipient
Carson Schell
The Spring 2016 recipient
Kyle Mihayle
Kyle Mihaylo, Connor Swinford, Jordan Coyner used awards in January 2016, September 2016, and September 2018 to continue development of Player Development with more comfortable spaces and additional learning resources.
The Summer 2016 recipient
Hillary C. Daugherty
Hillary Daugherty used the May 2016 award to enhance an organ-system curriculum, renamed as Body Smaart, and to assemble elements for a children’s health center at the Phillipsburg Jubilee Library, including a life-size skeleton, life-size torso with visible internal organs, and a collection of books for a range of ages and reading ability.
The Fall 2016 recipient
Conor Swinford
Kyle Mihaylo, Connor Swinford, Jordan Coyner used awards in January 2016, September 2016, and September 2018 to continue development of Player Development with more comfortable spaces and additional learning resources.
The Spring 2017 recipient
Rebecca Gerrity
The Summer 2017 recipient
Sabina Goldstein
The Fall 2017 recipient
Cole Uhland
The Summer 2018 recipient
Travis Lambert
Travis Lambert used the May 2018 award to purchase landscape features to create a sensory garden to enhance child development and education at Ideal Preschool.
The Fall 2018 recipient
Jordan Coyner
Kyle Mihaylo, Connor Swinford, Jordan Coyner used awards in January 2016, September 2016, and September 2018 to continue development of Player Development with more comfortable spaces and additional learning resources.
The Spring 2019 recipient
Mariel Chan
Mariel Chan used the January 2019 award to enhance the ability of the Cole Bay Seventh Soup Kitchen.
The Summer 2019 recipient
Samantha DeSilva
Samantha DeSilva used the May 2019 award to support renovations of a veterinary facility and funding of spaying and neutering in collaboration with SXM PAWS.
The Fall 2019 recipient
Bettyna Morency
A letter from Dr. Ronald Testa about the start of the Dr. Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester Award
Dear Bill and Carole Jean,
I hope that this brief email finds you both well enjoying the gift and promise of a new year. I begin each work day looking at a framed photo that I have of Karl and three of his colleagues as they greeted new students to the island and offered them hope, support and encouragement. He remains with all of us who were touched by his passion, courage, wisdom and good humor through the passage of time.
I am pleased to report that the current student members of the Van Wormer Student Judiciary committee have named an award after Karl which will honor a student selected each semester, through a process of peer review, who best exemplifies the spirit of professionalism and service to others. Karl was a member of the Van Wormer Judiciary Committee during his time with us on island so I find it particularly heart-warming that the students who learned of his passing sought to honor the important lessons that he taught all of us.
The first award will be presented on Friday, January 15, 2010 during our White Coat Ceremony. At White Coat, we will be officially welcoming 94 new first semester students who have joined us during January 2010, and honoring the 38 members of our soon departing 5th Semester class who will be inducted into our Honor and Service Society (Alpha Omega Phi). Karl was also a member of Alpha Omega Phi and joined us if memory serves during a January class many years ago so it seems somehow very fitting that the first Karl Stockhausen Memorial Student Award will be presented this Friday.
Karl remains very much with us at AUC; please know I think of you both often and wish you continued healing.
Dr. Karl Stockhausen Student of the Semester Award
Ronald J. Testa, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Professor of Behavioral Sciences
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
Sint Maarten, Netherlands, Antilles
The Dr. Dale Van Wormer Student Judiciary Committee (VWJC)
VWJC is a student run organization that deals with student-to-student conflicts and infractions of the AUC Honor Code. Their goal is to promote an environment at AUC that is not only conducive to learning, but is trustworthy, respectable, and is in accordance with the ethics and values set forth by the medical community. Members consist of students in the second to fifth semesters.
You can search the American University of the Caribbean’s news site for information about the Dr. Karl Stockhausen award recipients.